AngelTrack 2.1 build 324 release notes
Release dates
New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning (or 02:00 A.C.T. time for AUS customers).
Early access
All customers
Improvements and new features
Many new fields added to the PCR MI page, and a few to Followup.
When employees input their certificates, AngelTrack will now require their patch numbers, as many state trauma registries now require them.
The PCR's time-performed slider and also the PCR Review page now show on-scene events in relation to the time of patient contact, rather than to the time arrived onscene.
The PCR P.P.E. page is now on the main PCR ribbon, rather than under the PCR Followup page.
Support for automatic upload to Ohio EMSIRS at, and to Illinois' webservice at
State uploads that fail with a timeout error, as occurs so often when uploading to Texas, will now be automatically retried once every 7 days.
The often cryptic warning and error messages returned by state data validations (aka schematrons) will now be somewhat clarified, by automatically translating schematron field names into their friendly UI names.
The timeclock can now filter by zone. The zone is that of the station at which employees are based. Employees marked "[float]" are always shown.
PCR Vitals can now capture the reason why a BGL measurement was not obtainable.
PCR PMHx can now capture the reason why a date of last travel was not obtainable.
Under Followup, the attending can now specify the "Type of Service" aka eResponse.05. This is for use in situations where AngelTrack's automatic determination of that field causes a state data validation error.
Facility records can now be marked specifically as dialysis centers, rather than the more general "Medical office" type. They can also be marked specifically as hospices, as against the more general "Nursing home" type.
New Preferences settings control AngelTrack's shift certificate level logic, allowing input of state-level requirements for the BLS and ALS second crew member. If your state does not require two BLS crew members for a BLS shift, or does not regard a BLS+ALS crew as an ALS shift, then visit the Preferences page and change the defaults.
The available-shifts indicator on the dispatch board now shows which shifts have a crew member who is on-call.
Significant bugfixes
Tag Edit threw an application error on any customer not offering ALS service.
Index of all release notes for all releases