AngelTrack 2.1 build 330 release notes

Release dates

New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.

Early access 2019-Sep-08
All customers 2019-Sep-15

Improvements and new features

  1. The Mobile Chrome browser, on Android devices, is now permitted to use its built-in time picker, rather than AngelTrack's more cumbersome dropdowns.
  2. Employee HR records are now a little easier to backdate, and can be backdated all the way back to the employee's first-hired date.
  3. Updated schematrons for OK, NY, and CO.
  4. In the Payment Events grid shown for a dispatch (such as that on the Pmt Events tab of Dispatch Edit), mismatches between payor ID (i.e. the five-letter carrier code) and payor cardinal (i.e. primary / secondary / tertiary) are now indicated. These mismatches can occur when bad EOBs claim to be from the primary but are actually from the secondary... a situation that AngelTrack cannot always automatically detect and fix. Mismatches can also occur if the patient's insurance payor IDs are changed after a claim is filed, causing the resulting EOBs to conflict with the new payor IDs.
  5. Better automatic trapping of bad EOBs, such as those from Alabama Medicaid, which claim primary adjudication when actually secondary.
  6. Better automatic trapping of bad EOBs, such as those from Aetna as secondary, which omit the payor ID while showing the primary carrier's policy ID number plus a correction to the secondary's.
  7. When someone who is a biller prints or exports the PCR data, it will now include a chart of all non-deleted payment events at the bottom, in the same format as the receipt available for printing from the "Pmt Events" tab of Dispatch Edit.
  8. The PCR's ePCS and ePAN forms now display better and more specific error messages in the event no GPS location is available.
  9. All crew pages now show a blinking red GPS status icon if there is a problem with geolocation on the device. The icon is clickable for an explanation.
  10. The lists of certificates displayed for crew members, vehicles, and stations now calculate and display supercedance, the way the Prior Auths on File grid does.
  11. The Crew Home page will now stop complaining about certificates that expired over a year ago.

Index of all release notes for all releases