AngelTrack 2.1 build 347 release notes

Release dates

New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.

Early access 2020-Mar-08
All customers 2020-Mar-15

Improvements and new features

  1. Any billable dispatch advanced to 'Finished' without a price quote or price allowed will now be automatically priced at retail, for the benefit of tax calculations later. To learn more, read the Automatic Writeoff of Extremely Stale Receivables guide.
  2. AngelTrack will now automatically write off extremely stale dispatches that are lingering in the workflow. When this happens, billable trips not already priced will be automatically priced at retail. There is a new preference settting that controls this; the default setting is automatic writeoff after 24 months of no billing activity (meaning: no payment events and no new invoices). This feature does not activate until 2020-April-01, to give you time to adjust the setting to suit your operation.
  3. Previously, dispatches with no payment events whatsoever were not counted stale, because the staleness checker counted the days from the first payment event. Beginning in this update, if a dispatch has no payment events or invoices at all, the staleness checker will instead count the days from the time the dispatch activated. Consequently, your Stale Receivables Queue may have just gotten larger.
  4. When using zones, the dispatch boards now show all calls terminating in the selected zone, not just those originating in it.
  5. The address fields in the compact invoice format are adjusted to better match windowed envelopes.
  6. The PCR time slider now exactly matches the leg times shown in PCR Review, and no longer malfunctions on days when the Daylight Savings Time clock changed.
  7. To reduce clutter, the Crew Home page's list of recent calls now shows only those trips which are not yet graduated from QA; those which have, and which therefore are no longer modifiable by crews, are no longer listed. The preference setting Crew members can review the past X days of their patients' trip reports therefore no longer controls the list of prior trips on the Crew Home page; instead, it controls which of their patients' prior transports they can review via the PCR History page. As such, if you previously restricted that preference setting, please consider opening it back up to 7 or 14 or 30 days.

Index of all release notes for all releases