AngelTrack 2.1 build 407 release notes

Release dates

New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.

Early access 2021-Oct-10
All customers 2021-Oct-10

Improvements and new features

  1. AngelTrack's Medicaid PAN checker has changed from an off/on setting to a three-way none/PAN/McPAN setting, so as to support providers in states where Medicaid requires a traditional prior authorization number but also providers in states where Medicaid requires a PCS-like form that AngelTrack calls a McPAN. For providers in South Carolina, if your Medicaid PAN requirement was set to 'on', it has now been set to 'McPAN', so as to continue operating as it did before; for all other providers, if your Medicaid PAN requirement was set to 'on', it has now been set to 'PAN' for you, so that trips where Medicaid is primary will now ask for a PAN in the same manner as trips where private insurance is the primary. You can change this setting in Preferences under Settings.
  2. Updated national schematrons for v3.5.0.
  3. The page-user-locking system, discussed in previous release notes, is now extended to the PCR pages, thus preventing two crew members from over-writing each others' work.
  4. AngelTrack now supports in-house billing for calls delegated to an air-service affiliate. Each affiliate can now be marked as ground, as air/fixed, or as air/rotary, and AngelTrack's billing system will honor it.
  5. The Chrome browser on Mac OS is now allowed to use its built-in (HTML5) date and time pickers. If you prefer the AngelTrack traditional pickers instead, visit the Support option under Home and click the "HTML5 Controls Preferences" item.
  6. If a dispatcher sets a trip's price quote during call-taking, AngelTrack will not overwrite it with a price subsequently claimed against insurance, so as to preserve the promised price onto the patient's invoice in the event their insurance rejects the claim.
  7. The Hospital ER List, used by crew members to change their destination, now works better in the situation where the crew member's device cannot provide a GPS position.

Index of all release notes for all releases