AngelTrack 2.1 build 444 release notes

Release dates

New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.

Early access 2022-Sep-11
All customers 2022-Sep-18

Improvements and new features

  1. Phase 6 of AngelTrack's new offline PCR, which adds the following features:
  2. Reminder from build 443: AngelTrack now has an improved date+time picker, which combines the date-picker and the time-picker into a single control, like this:

    This new control requires less mousing than when using a separate date-picker and time-picker. Because it is brand new, it is not yet the default choice for AngelTrack's UI; for now, if you would like to use it, you must activate it by visiting the Support page (available from your AngelTrack home page) and clicking on HTML5 Control Preferenes.

Index of all release notes for all releases