AngelTrack 2.1 build 478 release notes

Release dates

New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.

Early access 2023-Jul-23
All customers 2023-Jul-30

Improvements and New Features

  1. AngelTrack is now approved for NEMSIS v350 operations in Orange County, California. Providers in Orange County please read the following. OCEMS now directs you to begin your "Training" phase, where you teach your crews to operate a v350 PCR. However, AngelTrack has already been showing a v350 user interface to your crews for the past 18 months, so no retraining is necessary on that aspect because the PCR will not change. The only differences your crews will experience after California transitions to v350 are:
    1. California's v350 schematron will take effect, imposing a slightly different set of data validation rules; and
    2. A mandatory custom PCR field will appear, asking about the trip disposition. This field offers a selection of custom values dictated by Orange County, and is independent of the traditional five-field "Disposition" block asked by the Followup page. This custom field must be answered for every PCR, even when no patient contact occurs, and AngelTrack cannot auto-fill it for you because the choices require information which AngelTrack does not possess.
    After the training period, you must contact CA-OCEMS and book your "mock call" evaluation, where you will run a mock call and input a PCR for upload to OCEMS for review.
  2. VectorCare Integration (aka Kaiser-Permanente integration) support for "declined" and "will_call" webhook events.
  3. New "Employee Immunizations" dataset for Report Builder, and a new canned report to make use of it.
  4. When AngelTrack is in unattended mode or self-dispatch PCR mode, any secondary responder can self-close a dispatch once all other responders have cleared.
  5. Updated schematrons for NC, VA, and AR.
  6. AngelTrack's next-generation server health monitoring system is now live, in preparation for AngelTrack's next-generation cluster which comes online in Q3.
  7. If you receive a one-star rating via your customer portal, AngelTrack will auto-submit a "Facility request for service" incident record, so that your supervisors and salespeople can intervene. Via your employee settings, you can register to be automatically notified of new incident records. To learn more, look at the Customer Service Ratings Guide.
  8. New preference setting allows you to disable the "Keep me logged in" option systemwide. When that option is disabled or deselected, the user will be logged-out when they close all AngelTrack browser tabs, even if they forget to click the "Logout" button.

Reminders of Upcoming Events

  1. By Q4 2023, all AngelTrack servers will reject any connections originating from outside North America and ANZAC. If you have a biller in India, or if you intend to travel to foreign countries and want to access your AngelTrack server while you are there, then you must use a VPN client that can re-originate your traffic within the aforementioned countries. This is cheap and easy, but please arrange it beforehand, before AngelTrack's geo-restrictions go into effect. To learn more, visit the IP Blocklist / Geographic Restrictions Guide.

Reminders of Recent New Features

  1. Build 477: The Customer Portal for Facilities now allows your facilities to input a customer service rating, 1 to 5 stars, for each trip, to give feedback on how well your dispatchers and crews provided service. To learn more, read the Collecting Customer Service Ratings from Facilities Guide.
  2. Build 476: Custom PCR fields now have more options and flexibility. To learn more, visit the Custom EMS PCR Fields Guide.
  3. Build 475: New "self-dispatch" mode, for providers who don't have a dispatch office, where the crews receive calls directly from a call-center. To learn more, visit the Self-Dispatch PCR Guide in the knowledgebase.
  4. Build 475: Any employee who is both a Crew member and a Call-taker now has all the privileges conferred by self-dispatch mode, allowing them to book their own calls, place themselves on-shift, use the crew-side dispatch board, and self-close their own trips.
  5. Build 474: The writeoff/sold system is overhauled. To learn more, visit the Writeoff Guide in the knowledgebase.
  6. Build 474: AngelTrack is integrated with Stryker LIFENET to import ECG-monitor data from LIFEPAK devices. To learn more, please see the Stryker LIFENET Integration Guide.
  7. Build 472: AngelTrack is proud to announce its new Contextualizer technology, which helps crews understand and resolve State Data Validation error messages by tracing them to their underlying PCR datafields, making it easier to understand how to make the necessary corrections.
  8. Build 471: AngelTrack now has fire preplans, linked to your facility records. To learn more: Fire Preplans Guide.
  9. Build 470: The crew scheduler can now book your office staff! To learn more, look here: Scheduling the Work Periods of Office Staff.
  10. Build 469: For invoicing, there is a new preference setting to direct AngelTrack to always print the current price quote and balance when printing an invoice. This is for use by customers who reprint rather than regenerate all unpaid invoices each month. To learn more, look at the Reinvoicing Workflow Guide.
  11. Build 469: The crew scheduler now has a swap-request workflow! To learn more, look here: Scheduled Swap Workflow.
  12. Build 468: AngelTrack has now integrated with VectorCare (aka Kaiser-Permanente), to allow you to accept calls in VectorCare and auto-report your crew progress to the hospital. To learn more, refer to the VectorCare Integration Guide.
  13. Build 468: AngelTrack now has vacation tracking, PTO, and a vacation request workflow! To learn more, look here: Vacations, PTO, and Vacation Requests.
  14. Build 467: Report Builder can now report on the delay between call closure and first upload to your state trauma registry.
  15. Build 466: AngelTrack can now automatically push trip data into the ESO PCR, if your crews are required to finish their charts in ESO. To learn how it works, refer to the ESO CAD Push Guide.
  16. Build 465: The customer self-pay portal has an option to pass the Stripe transaction fees onto the customer, as a 'shipping' charge when they make payment.

Index of all release notes for all releases