AngelTrack 2.1 build 515 Release Notes

Release Dates

New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.

Early access 2024-Aug-18
All customers 2024-Aug-25

Improvements and New Features

  1. The new Preplan Map feature is available, allowing fire agencies to graphically create asset/liability preplan maps for protected facilities. It seamlessly integrates with the hydrants tracking system and the hazmat locations tracking system. To learn more, please visit the Preplan Maps Guide.
  2. ALL PROVIDERS please review the notice below regarding AngelTrack's upcoming cryptographic key rotation.
  3. ALL PROVIDERS please review the notice below regarding AngelTrack's new georestrictions.
  4. ALL PROVIDERS WHO STARTED ANGELTRACK BEFORE 2021 please review the notice below regarding grandfathered Paypal subscriptions.

All Providers -- HEADS UP, Cryptographic Key Rotation Will Occur on Sunday, October 6th 2024

On Sunday, October 6th 2024, at 03:00 CST, AngelTrack will rotate its crypographic key.

When this occurs, all of the following will then happen:

Early-access customers and sandboxes will rotate their cryptographic keys one week earlier, on September 29th 2024, at 03:00 CST.

All Providers -- Geo-Restrictions Are Now In Effect

AngelTrack has moved to the newest high-security firewalls, which block all network traffic from foreign countries, as well as from Tor-exit nodes and from known-malicious IP addresses.

Please review the georestrictions guide to learn whether you are affected, and see workarounds for those who are.

All Providers Who Started AngelTrack Before 2021 -- ACTION REQUIRED by February 2025

If you began using AngelTrack before 2021, your AngelTrack subscription might still be on Paypal, rather than on our new payment processor Stripe.

So far your Paypal subscription has been grandfathered, but this must end by February 2025, because the old Paypal system doesn't support AngelTrack's new buffet-style licensing.

You can check whether you are still on Paypal by visiting your AngelTrack server's Authorization page. If the page displays a warning message, then you must complete the following steps by February 2025:

  1. Wait until your AngelTrack server has about 15 days left on its license.
  2. Visit your AngelTrack server's Authorization page.
  3. Click the "Active" button to suspend your existing Paypal subscription.
  4. Initiate a new subscription, being sure to choose the "Recurring" setting.
  5. When Stripe asks, input your current email address, or double-check that the email address on-file for you is valid.
  6. Stripe will ask you to verify your bank account. It will make a small deposit, and then invite you to return later to input the deposit's verification code. AngelTrack itself is not privy to your account information; AngelTrack LLC does not collect, or store, or even see your account number.
  7. Later you will receive a verification email from Stripe. Follow the instructions to complete the verification. If you have trouble, call AngelTrack Support at any time.
  8. Once the verification finishes, your first 30-day purchase will consummate, and then AngelTrack will issue your next license.

DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE to complete this process. Depending on weekends and holidays, it can take up to 14 days for the entire process to finish and your first Stripe payment to go through. If you wait until the last minute, you could run out of AngelTrack licenses, and then you'd have to buy more using a credit card, and do the bank verification a month later.

Reminders of Upcoming Events

  1. Back in February 2024, AngelTrack moved to buffet-style licensing, in which the advanced (power-user) features are now separately licensed, so that bare-bones users no longer pay for advanced features they don't use. At that time, all AngelTrack servers were awarded 12-month grandfather licenses, enabling all advanced features through February 2025. In February 2025 these grandfather licenses will expire, at which time your monthly licensing cost will increase, or else you can disable the features you don't need. You will also get a certain number of free credits every month (the amount depends on your license size) with which to enable some advanced features of your choosing, at no cost. To learn more about the feature buffet system please refer to the Feature Buffet Guide.

Reminders of Recent New Features

  1. Build 514: The hazmat chemical and location tracking system is now available, which runs in parallel to the hydrant tracking system, warning dispatchers and crews about dangerous areas at the scene. To learn more, please visit the Hazmat Location Tracking Guide.
  2. Build 514: Report Builder, along with the Data Hub, now has new data-window options: Current month, Previous month, Current quarter, and Previous quarter, to make it easier to automate monthly and quarterly reports.
  3. Build 513: Each product record (used in the Supply Room system) can now link to its associated medication record.
  4. Build 513: New security feature called an "Exfiltration tripwire" allows you to specify a number of records whereby AngelTrack will automatically send you an alert if that number of PHI-containing data records are viewed or exported (via any AngelTrack grids, APIs, or reports) during a single day. A default tripwire has been set for you, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so you must adjust the tripwire to match the pace of your operation. To learn more about this feature, visit the Security Guide.
  5. Build 512: There is a new PCR signature form named "Authoring crew member attestion", which can be enabled under Settings | Preferences, to require an electronic signature from the crew member completing the PCR. You can also edit the form's verbiage by visiting Settings | Document Templates.
  6. Build 512: New preference setting allows you to disable the automatic inclusion of crew members' on-file e-signatures in each PCR, if you instead use the aforementioned PCR signature form.
  7. Build 511: New user-selectable UI theme for colorblind users! Please refer to the Colorblind Support Guide for details.
  8. Build 508: Supply room + Inventory tracking system is now available, including checklist integration. To learn more, visit the Supply Room / Inventory Tracking Guide.
  9. Build 508: You can now switch AngelTrack's UI from its blue color scheme to a green color scheme or to a purple color scheme. All color schemes support automatic dark-mode. To try them out, visit the "HTML5 Control Preferences" item on the Support page.
  10. Build 507: New ETA feature allows enroute crews to one-click report their ETA, as often as they like. The reported ETA will appear on the dispatch board, and on the "Departures" section of any associated customer portal.
  11. Build 505: The PCR Custom Fields system now has an automatic importer, allowing you to import custom fields from your county or from a third-party PCR (as would be needed for NEMSIS XML imports).
  12. Build 505: New checklist item type "Date-Time", and likewise a new custom EMS PCR field type "Date-Time".
  13. Build 502: New built-in stroke screen: Orange County CA. You can activate it by visiting the Preference item on the Settings page.
  14. Build 501: Can now import a NEMSIS XML document directly into AngelTrack's billing system, bypassing the PCR altogether. To learn more, visit the Import NEMSIS XML Guide.
  15. Build 501: Printing an invoice or exporting it to BillFlash, Call the Car, or Excel, now writes a journal entry, to provide better tracking of re-invoicing cycles for customers who do not use AngelTrack's native reinvoicing cycle.
  16. Build 500: The offline PCR now supports custom EMS PCR fields.
  17. Build 500: When creating custom EMS PCR fields, you can now create a custom picklist, including a configurable minimum value.
  18. Build 499: Your built-in service charge types can now each stipulate a set of tags. Whenever someone adds that tag to a dispatch, AngelTrack will automatically levy that service charge against the dispatch. To learn more, read the Service Charges Guide. You can edit your service charge types list by visiting the Settings page.
  19. Build 499: You can now add custom EMS PCR fields to many of the PCR tabs, including vital signs and assessments. To learn more, read the Custom EMS PCR Fields Guide.
  20. Build 499: You can now create a schematron for your agency, and upload it into your AngelTrack server, to impose whatever warnings or errors you like on PCR completion. To learn more, read the Custom EMS PCR Validation Rules Guide.
  21. Build 498: All AngelTrack home pages (Home, Dispatch, Billing, Supervision, HR, Sales, and Fire) now offer access to Isidore, AngelTrack's support AI who can answer questions by reference to AngelTrack's knowledgebase and training materials. To access Isidore, find and click the link named "Ask Isidore the Support AI".
  22. Build 498: AngelTrack is now licensed on a feature-buffet system. All current customers are grandfathered into all available features for the next twelve months, such that the price you've been paying for your AngelTrack license will not change during the grandfather period. To learn more, take a look at the Feature Buffet Guide and the Authorization Guide.
  23. Build 497: AngelTrack now has an API key system, which is a more flexible way of managing third-party access to your AngelTrack server, particularly including server-to-server delgation from your friendly affiliates. The following AngelTrack APIs now accept API keys:
  24. Build 497: AngelTrack's timeclock now has a Terminal mode, allowing you to designate a specific computer in the dispatch office for all clock-ins and clock-outs. To learn more, read the Timeclock Terminal Guide.
  25. Build 496: AngelTrack is now integrated with Tyler Tech Enterprise CAD, to automatically import trip data onto your dispatch board. To learn more, visit the Tyler Tech Integration Guide.
  26. Build 495: If you delegate calls to an affiliate who also uses AngelTrack, you can now auto-transmit the delegated calls electronically, rather than via email. To learn more, refer to the Affilaite Server-to-Server Delegation Guide.
  27. Build 493: There is now a preference setting allowing you to select v340 or v350 as your default NEMSIS export format.
  28. Build 493: AngelTrack has completed NEMSIS v350 national re-certification.
  29. Build 489: The virtual credit card terminal is now available, allowing your dispatchers to process credit card payments from customers during call-taking. To activate this feature, first you must set up your Stripe account first, then follow the instructions on the Virtual Terminal Guide.

Index of all release notes for all releases