AngelTrack 2.1 build 537 Release Notes
Release Dates
New releases are always installed during a maintenance window, at 02:00 Central Standard Time on Sunday morning, which is early Sunday afternoon for AUS customers.
Early access
All customers
Large Improvements and New Features
Vertex Self-Drive continues to get smarter. It is especially well-suited for situations where you need someone to cover the dispatch board for a few hours, or overnight. To learn more, please visit the Vertex Self-Drive Guide.
You can now watch Vertex Self-Drive running, by visiting the Self-Drive Heartbeat page.
Updated schematrons for FL, KS, MT, and NC.
ALL PROVIDERS SUBJECT TO 8+ YEAR DATA RETENTION LAWS please review the notice below regarding extended data retention.
ALL PROVIDERS WHO STARTED ANGELTRACK BEFORE 2021 please review the notice below regarding grandfathered Paypal subscriptions.
ALL PROVIDERS please review the notices below regarding the price increases effective 2025 Feb 3.
Small Improvements, Buffs, and Changes
Near-simultaneous journal entries will now always appear in creation order.
Minor improvements in vehicle GPS tracking.
Vertex will now auto-upgrade the priority of any call running very late.
All Providers Subject to 8+ Year Data Retention Laws -- ACTION REQUIRED
AngelTrack stores your data for seven years, then permanently deletes it. A few data items are stored indefinitely (employee lists, etc.) and a few are stored for only two years. To learn more, please visit the Data Lifetime and Export Guide.
If you are required to retain your data for longer than 7 years, and if you want AngelTrack to handle that for you, then you must activate AngelTrack's '"Data retention 10 years" add-on feature.
You can do that by visiting your AngelTrack server's Feature Buffet page, accessible from its Authorization page. To learn more about the feature buffet, please visit the Feature Buffet Guide.
If your AngelTrack subscription is still on Paypal, you must first migrate it to our new payment processor, by following the instructions below. Afterward you will be able to visit the Feature Buffet and activate the extended data retention feature.
The cost of the data retention add-on license is initially zero. It will begin to cost money once your data reaches a certain age:
- Age 84-95 months: Costs 1 addon credit every 30 days
- Age 96-107 months: Costs 2 addon credits every 30 days
- Age 108+ months: Costs 3 addon credits every 30 days
All Providers Who Started AngelTrack Before 2021 -- ACTION REQUIRED by February 2025
If you began using AngelTrack before 2021, your AngelTrack subscription might still be on Paypal, rather than on our new payment processor Stripe.
So far your Paypal subscription has been grandfathered, but this must end by February 2025, because the old Paypal system doesn't support AngelTrack's new buffet-style licensing.
You can check whether you are still on Paypal by visiting your AngelTrack server's Authorization page. If the page displays a warning message, then you must complete the following steps by February 2025:
Wait until your AngelTrack server has about 15 days left on its license.
Visit your AngelTrack server's Authorization page.
Click the "Active" button to suspend your existing Paypal subscription.
Initiate a new subscription, being sure to choose the "Recurring" setting.
When Stripe asks, input your current email address, or double-check that the email address on-file for you is valid.
Stripe will ask you to verify your bank account. It will make a small deposit, and then invite you to return later to input the deposit's verification code. AngelTrack itself is not privy to your account information; AngelTrack LLC does not collect, or store, or even see your account number.
Later you will receive a verification email from Stripe. Follow the instructions to complete the verification. If you have trouble, call AngelTrack Support at any time.
Once the verification finishes, your first 30-day purchase will consummate, and then AngelTrack will issue your next license.
DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE to complete this process. Depending on weekends and holidays, it can take up to 14 days for the entire process to finish and your first Stripe payment to go through. If you wait until the last minute, you could run out of AngelTrack licenses, and then you'd have to buy more using a credit card, and do the bank verification a month later.
AFTER YOU'VE MOVED OFF PAYPAL, please review your Feature Buffet license selections. Most of them will be enabled by default, because we grandfathered you in to those features for the first year, but these will cost extra beginning in February 2025.
Be sure also to review the "Ten year data retention" add-on license to see if your jurisdiction requires it. By default AngelTrack retains most data for seven years; to extend this to ten years, you must activate the data retention license, which will cost extra once your data reaches age seven. To learn more, please visit the Data Lifetime and Export Guide.
All Providers -- 10% Price Increase 2025 Feb 3 -- No Action Required
On February 3 2025, the price of your AngelTrack core license will increase 10%. We have not raised prices since June 2021, and so we have fallen far behind inflation.
We are also moving to buffet-style licensing (see below), but all existing AngelTrack customers are grandfathered into most of the add-ons until 2026, so apart from this 10% increase, your licensing costs will otherwise stay the same.
All Providers in NY, in CA, and in Counties Requiring Annual Recertifications -- No Action Required
Beginning February 3 2025, providers in New York, in California, and in certain counties in other states are subject to a state/county compliance fee amounting to 9% of your AngelTrack license cost.
This fee appears as a one-credit add-on license visible in your server's Feature Buffet page. The fee is assessed monthly, so that over a one-year period it offsets the annual cost of the additional recertifications required by the state or county.
Reminders of Upcoming Events
Back in February 2024, AngelTrack moved to buffet-style licensing, in which the advanced (power-user) features are now separately licensed, so that bare-bones users no longer pay for advanced features they don't use.
At that time, all existing AngelTrack servers were awarded 24-month grandfather licenses, enabling most of the advanced features through February 2026.
In February 2026 these grandfather licenses will expire, at which time your monthly licensing cost will increase if you wish to continue using the advanced features.
At that time you will begin receiving a certain number of perk credits every month, at no cost, with which to enable some advanced features of your choosing, at no cost. The number of perk credits you receive depends on your license size.
To learn more about the feature buffet system please refer to the Feature Buffet Guide.
In February 2025, AngelTrack will begin levying a state compliance fee on all providers based in states which impose unusual compliance burdens on vendors.
Presently, the eligible states are: CA and NY
The compliance fee appears in the Feature Buffet as an add-on license, costing one credit every 30 days, which is approximately 10% of the AngelTrack core license cost.
Build 536: Vertex Self-Drive is now available! To learn more, please visit the Vertex Self-Drive Guide.
Build 536: Vertex AI's suggester now can recommend assignment of a daisy-chain of calls to a single unit, where appropriate, to capture double- and triple-loads even though not performing a full-day or mid-day solve.
Build 535: Many improvements to the Vertex AI, including more costing and preference adjustments, more Vertex engines deployed for faster responses, and improved UI for the suggester. To learn more, please refer to the Vertex AI Suggester Guide.
Build 534: The Vertex work-in solver now offers choices, to work-in the new call at highest priority or at lowest priority, depending on how important you decide it is to take the new call. To learn more, please refer to the Vertex Work-In Solver Guide.
Build 534: The Vertex AI now has a suggester, allowing you to ask Vertex which shift it would pick to run a specific trip. To learn more, please refer to the Vertex AI Suggester Guide.
Build 534: All customers now get one free Vertex AI solve per day, without purchasing the Vertex add-on license. You can, for example, use your free solve to allocate your whole day's call schedule each morning at 4 AM.
Build 534: Report Builder can now change the date window of a report without saving/reloading; instead there is a "Relaunch" button to load a different date range while keeping everything else the same.
Build 533: AngelTrack now has a CEU-tracking system (Continuing Education Credits), with integrated reports and automatic certificate reminder messages. To learn more, please visit the CEU Tracking Guide.
Build 533: AngelTrack now supports authenticator apps for two-factor authentication.
Build 533: There is a new preference setting, to allow your users to login with their username + authenticator app code, skipping passwords entirely. Please review the Two Factor Authentication Guide to learn about the pros and cons of this feature before activating it.
Build 533: When AngelTrack is in self-dispatch mode, crew members can click a "new + dupe" lightning-bolt button to duplicate their current call, including all the followup, but not attach the same patient. This is used to quickly dupe the current dispatch when there are multiple patients on-scene.
Build 531: The Heartbeat page is overhauled and now shows exfiltration counters.
Build 530: Vertex has gained another capability: It can visualize your current dispatch board with its current shift assignments, using its animated map and tabular-bars visualizers.
Build 530: You can now flag which security roles mandate 2FA protection. We have already flagged 'Administrator' for you.
Build 529: The offline PCR now supports the PCR-IV page.
Build 528: The online PCR now has a new sidebar UI, which users can select as an alternative to the traditional PCR top ribbon.
Build 527: Vertex can now analyze a last-minute booking to visualize its impact on the current call schedule.
Build 526: Schedule2 narcotics tracking software has completed their integration with AngelTrack. It can pull narcotics-used and -wasted data directly from AngelTrack's PCR. To learn more, please visit the Schedul2 Narcotics Tracking Integration Guide.
Build 523: AngelTrack now has a Training Mode, used during onboarding for dry runs, and for educational servers, that automatically anonymizes any PHI that crew members and dispatchers might inadvertently enter. To learn more, visit the Training Mode Guide.
Build 523: AngelTrack has a new Quick Start page that does a much better job showing all the configuration and integration steps used to onboard your agency to AngelTrack.
Build 522: AngelTrack now has end-to-end medication vial tracking, including full integration with your station records, product records, purchase orders, medical devices, and PCR-Mediactions records. To learn more, visit the End to End Vials Tracking Guide.
Build 521: New preference setting allowing you to set a default origin city, which will spare your dispatchers the labor of typing in the city name for each new call. This setting is intended for providers where most calls originate in just one city; if you originate significant percentages of your calls in multiple cities, then avoid using this setting.
Build 519: There is now an add-on license available for extending your data retention lifetime from 7 years to 10 years. The add-on license costs nothing until your data reaches its 7th birthday, at which point this feature begins to cost extra. To learn more, please visit the Data Lifetime and Export Guide.
Build 519: AngelTrack now has an SFTP uploader to auto-send PDFs of completed reports to an SFTP server of your choosing. This is used for MediTech EHR integration, but has other uses too. To learn more, visit the Report PDF Push to SFTP Guide.
Build 518: New dataset for Report Builder: "Crew Member Dispatches", which shows one row per dispatch per attached crew member, used for LOSAP reporting.
Build 516: AngelTrack has a new API by which smart drug-boxes can query the PCR for medications-used data. To learn more, visit the Drug Box API Guide.
Build 516: The fire preplans system (maps + written) now has a preplan viewer, which crew members can share with other responding agencies so that everyone can view the preplan while enroute. To learn more, please visit the Preplan Maps Guide
Build 515: The new Preplan Map feature is available, allowing fire agencies to graphically create asset/liability preplan maps for protected facilities. It seamlessly integrates with the hydrants tracking system and the hazmat locations tracking system. To learn more, please visit the Preplan Maps Guide.
Build 514: The hazmat chemical and location tracking system is now available, which runs in parallel to the hydrant tracking system, warning dispatchers and crews about dangerous areas at the scene. To learn more, please visit the Hazmat Location Tracking Guide.
Build 514: Report Builder, along with the Data Hub, now has new data-window options: Current month, Previous month, Current quarter, and Previous quarter, to make it easier to automate monthly and quarterly reports.
Build 513: Each product record (used in the Supply Room system) can now link to its associated medication record.
Build 513: New security feature called an "Exfiltration tripwire" allows you to specify a number of records whereby AngelTrack will automatically send you an alert if that number of PHI-containing data records are viewed or exported (via any AngelTrack grids, APIs, or reports) during a single day. A default tripwire has been set for you, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so you must adjust the tripwire to match the pace of your operation. To learn more about this feature, visit the Security Guide.
Index of all release notes for all releases